Sunday, December 2, 2012

Rewind, Replay

It's between ninjas.
Quarrel like a wolf and a vampire.

I must be apologize for being weak. But, something has stopped me. You're not being good either. Why I must apologize? Don't you understand the rule? If I can, why can't you?...... Full moon. And full of love. Please remember, we already promised each other. Not to hurt, not to cheat, not to let tears coming out, again. But, keep holding hands to the future. Allah kan ada. Pray to Him that this love will long lasting, inshaa Allah :)

Pernah tak berasa macam.. Argghh nak marah lama-lama.. Tapi rasa tak sampai hati.. Rasa ada benda yang lebih penting untuk kita protect daripada biarkan rasa marah tu menguasai diri.. Macam kawan kita buat kita marah, buat kita jadi sedih memanjang.. Tapi kita still nak maafkan dia sebab persahabatan tu lagi penting daripada perasaan marah yang cuma bersifat sementara..

Mak keep asking me: "Sungguh ni?"
And I replied, "Tentulah. Kalau ada jodoh takkan ke mana."

We start off again. And it's on Saturday. Please keep it on your mind :)

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