Friday, August 17, 2012

--> Untittled #5

Sir, I'm a bit nervous
About being here today
Still not real sure what I'm going to say
So bare with me please
If I take up too much of your time.
See in this box is a ring for your oldest youngest
She's my everything and all that I know is
It would be such a relief if I knew that we were on the same side
Cause very soon I'm hoping that I... 

Can marry your daughter
And make her my wife
I want her to be the only girl that I love for the rest of my life
And give her the best of me 'til the day that I die, yeah
I'm gonna marry your princess
And make her my queen
She'll be the most beautiful bride that I've ever seen
I can't wait to smile
When she walks down the aisle
On the arm of her father
On the day that I marry your daughter ...


Marry your daughter by Brian Mcknight. One of zillion songs that I admire most.

Dulu. Lagu ni pernah terpasang dalam kereta dia. Tapi cepat-cepat dia tukar lagu lain. Dia tau aku suka lagu ni. Dia tau yang someday aku mengharapkan lelaki exactly like what's written in that song. But I was too busy to notice his effort. I'm sorry for being ruthless towards you. But I know you're happy. At least, without me. Don't be sad because it's over be happy because it happened.


Petang esok nak balik kampung. Jumpa saudara-mara semua. Oh, rinduuu sangaaatt.


Kat facebook semua member pakat buat kad raya versi eKad. Macam nak buat jugak. Tapi cek tak reti laaa. Oh kepada shafa, aku dah baca kad raya yang kau kasi tu. Comel sangat. Hm hm aku tak buat kad raya macam tahun-tahun lepas. Tapi mungkin lepas bukak sem aku balas kad raya kau. Tapi aku tak janji tau. Hehe.



dewdrop said...

oh shoot. sedapnya.

salam last ramadhan.
aku mohon maaf semua salah silap, zahir dn batin

tq cik sue

Ansue said...

dewdrop: eh dah raya. selamat hari raya. aku pun nak minta maaf salah silap semua.

jumpa nanti :)